Featured PostJuly 8, 2024How to implement churn predictive models that are actually useful and profitable for Revenue Operations teams.
January 8, 2025Color in Graphext: A Silent SuperpowerGabriela MaranteLuna FidalgoHow thoughtful color choices became the secret weapon of Graphext: from dark modes that save your eyes to color palettes that make complex data click
December 31, 2023Finding the most protein-rich, low-calorie, and healthy foods with data & Graphext.Victoriano IzquierdoAdvanced analytics enables users to find the most protein-rich, low-calorie, and healthy foods at Mercadona, supporting muscle growth and overall health.
December 19, 2023Women's Rise in US Congress and Senate: From Absence to DominanceVictoriano IzquierdoWomen have transitioned from being virtually non-existent in the US Congress and Senate for almost two centuries to predominating over men in the new generations of politicians.
November 29, 2023How we use Graphext to predict who will pay for Graphext with lead scoringThomas BuhrmannVictoriano IzquierdoUsing Graphext to predict potential customers through lead scoring by selecting the right variables and focusing on engagement with the tool in the near future.
November 15, 2023Turn your Notion database into actionable insightsThe Graphext Notion integration allows teams to generate performance reports, user segmentation reports, and analyze user interviews using their Notion database.
October 16, 2023Why data without profound human interpretation, is meaningless, even in the era of AIMany people are saying that ChatGPT is going to replace all data analysts and data scientists. Well, that might never happen… Humans bring contextual understanding, identify emerging trends, and build trust in the data analysis process.
June 15, 2023Who to follow to stay up to date with all things data scienceA Complete Guide to Remarkable Data-Driven Content: YouTubers, Streamers, Podcasts, and Newsletters You Should Check Out in 2023
June 13, 2023Mastering a Career in Data ScienceWe looked at the insights from the 2022 Kaggle Survey to provide guidance for those interested in pursuing a career in data science or programming, covering topics such as job roles, programming languages, machine learning, and compensation.
January 10, 202222 Data YouTubers + Streamers to Watch in 2022Victoriano IzquierdoAndy ClarkeYoutube, Twitch and other streaming platforms are full of data professionals sharing hacks, tutorials and stories of their working life. As well as content geared towards people starting out with data analysis - like Reuven Lerner covering essential Python tips and walkthroughs - there are videos posted by data Youtubers and streamers that debate topics at the forefront of data science research - Cassie Kozyrkov for instance.
January 5, 202219 Data Newsletters to Read in 2022Victoriano IzquierdoAndy ClarkeNewsletters are becoming a popular way to distil news, events and tips as the data landscape becomes busier and busier! These are the kind of emails we love to receive because they help us to stay ahead of the game ... and they are all about data. As well as data newsletters created for business analysts - The Modern Data Stack shares resources, opportunities and tools (we are very proud to have featured) - there are series geared towards data science and AI developments such as The Batch.
December 20, 202136 Data Podcasts to Follow in 2022Victoriano IzquierdoAndy ClarkeThe world of data science podcasting has become as varied as the input parameters to a Linear Regression model. From household names like Freakonomics to less known up-and-comers like Big Data Beard, data professionals are sitting up from their computers to talk about business, the future of AI, data in the real world and much more ... if you know where to look.
December 8, 2021What People Really Feel About Programming LanguagesVictoriano IzquierdoWe collected and analyzed answers to a Twitter meme, wherein people were asked to express their relationship with programming languages.
November 24, 2021Reverse Engineering Infamous Marketing Strategies from Innocent DrinksAndy ClarkeWhy are the social media strategies of Innocent Drinks considered as the gold standard for marketing teams the world over? We collected every tweet (10,521) posted by the communication department to deconstruct Innocent's content, style, reach and engagement with a simple topic analysis.
November 11, 2021Using Mutual Information to Cluster Variables and Discover the Associations Between Survey QuestionsAlex GonzalezOur team set out to build a type of analysis that could be used to measure the strength of association between variables in a dataset. Here's how we did it ...
October 26, 2021How to Perform Simple & Effective Customer Segmentation | A Walkthrough with Data from a Delicatessen (Dataset interactive)Andy ClarkeCustomer segmentation involves splitting a customer base into distinct groups. These customer segments are defined by specific and shared characteristics, behaviours or preferences that help businesses to spot patterns and associate customers with one another. This article walks through the steps involved in a simple customer segmentation analysis. Using sales data from a delicatessen, we'll segment customers according to their buying preferences and behaviour. To achieve this, we'll use a powerful machine learning technique known as clustering.
October 19, 2021Make or Break: After 5 Years ... Couples are Less Likely to Break UpVictoriano IzquierdoWhat's the most important milestone in a relationship? According to data from a Stanford study, it's a day like any other that occurs somewhere between the 4th and 5th anniversary of a relationship.
September 16, 2021Nuevas perspectivas en analítica y detección de talento: webinar con D'AnchianoMaría LópezEl pasado 15 de julio estuvimos en directo con Juan Palacios, CEO y fundador de D'Anchiano. Juan nos contó en detalle el uso que le da a Graphext para procesos de selección, así como una mayor visibilidad de qué utilidad tiene Graphext y el análisis de datos en RRHH y detección de talento.
September 10, 2021Sentiment Analysis & Billboard Top 100: The Changing Mood of Popular Music .Andy ClarkeWe used sentiment analysis to model 5100 Billboard chart-toppers between 1964 and 2015. Our analysis predicted whether song lyrics were positive, negative or neutral as well as detecting the topic and intent behind the most popular tunes in music history.
July 22, 2021How to Study Brand Conversations with Advanced Text Analysis?Paul SuddonHow can we use text analysis of data from Twitter to improve our understanding of markets? This is the question prompting Paul, a strategist in our business team, to scrape tweets about Lloyds bank and conduct a Twitter topic analysis using advanced NLP and network creation. First, he collected tweets using Tractor, Graphext's scraping tool for social media analysis. Then, he analyzed the topics of tweets using network analysis. Here's how he did it ...
July 20, 2021A Beginners Guide to Market Segmentation: Types, Techniques & Examples to Better Understand Your Customer Base (with Data)Andy ClarkeMarket segmentation means splitting your customer base into distinct communities based on the similarity of their features. Depending on the data you use to segment customers, clustering a market dataset results in the grouping of customers based on geographic, demographic, behavioural and psychographic factors as well as their buying preferences.
June 29, 2021A Market Segmentation of 1000 Supermarket Customers Using Data on Sales, Income and DemographicsAndy ClarkePaul SuddonOur team clustered 1000 supermarket sales in order to segment customers according to their buying habits. Our market segmentation analysis uses data on the demographics, income and geography of customers to identify key buyer personas and inform marketing strategies and campaigns.
June 11, 2021Graphext | Graphtex | Graphnext: Grouping Similar Spellings Using Chars2Vec and Agglomerative ClusteringMaria del Mar Ruiz'España' and 'Españha' are just spelling variations. We built a way of grouping words spelt differently but referring to the same concept.
June 8, 2021Conspiracies, Complexity and Clustering: Investigating Reports of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine EffectsAndy ClarkeModelling data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) - a US government-sponsored vaccine reaction monitoring service - our team set out to investigate reports of adverse health effects related to the seismic rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in the USA.
June 8, 2021The Method Behind Our Investigation of Reports of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine EventsAndy ClarkePaul SuddonTaking on an investigation into the adverse reactions associated with the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in the USA, our team were aware of the increased need for transparency whilst conducting our analysis. This article documents the methodology behind our study of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data.
May 6, 2021Good Risk vs Bad Risk: Deconstructing the Features of 1000 German LoansAndy ClarkeAttempting to discover the most influential features of a loan application when considering risk, our team built a model using the features of a loan application to predict whether an applicant would have a good or bad risk rating.
April 16, 2021Simple Solutions to Prevent Customer ChurnPaul SuddonOur team analyzed 7043 current and former customers of a telecoms provider in order to better understand what types of people are most likely to cancel their contracts.
April 7, 2021How Data Can Help You Keep Your WorkersPaul SuddonTo showcase how a company could reduce employee turnover, our team clustered a dataset containing information about IBM employees to discover the reasons why employees left their jobs.
March 29, 2021Menhir & Graphext- Analyzing the Intangible Value of Financial Assets.Andy ClarkeWorking at the intersection of data science and finance, Menhir is using Graphext to understand the composition of financial portfolios, performing analysis that typically takes analysts between two and three weeks in just two days.
March 24, 2021The Moneyball Method: Using Data to Build a Football Dream Team (On a Budget)Andy ClarkeVictoriano IzquierdoOur team set out to build an exceptional football team for less than 100M Euros. Using data provided in the FIFA 2020/2021 dataset - the video game - we built a prediction model in order to find the key performance attributes for each position. Then, we used this to pick out a team of excellent but undervalued players.
March 1, 2021Understanding Employee BehaviourAlmudena SanzWhy do people act the way they do? Why do they buy products, quit their jobs, or change partners? Many of these motives are people's behaviors and some can be found in data.
February 9, 2021Patriotism, Animals, Comedy and Sex: Clustering 233 Superbowl AdsAndy ClarkeVictoriano IzquierdoWe built a model clustering 233 Superbowl ads using data from FiveThirtyEight in order to work out what content brands use to sell their products during America's most-watched sporting event.
February 2, 2021Health vs Economy: Using Twitter to Investigate How Latin American Leaders Have Responded to COVID-19Andy ClarkeJulián Yunez, a political communications consultant, used Graphext to investigate how messages related to public health and economics have been balanced by Latin American leaders during the pandemic.
January 12, 2021Finding the 'Perfect' Sales Candidate Using Clustering and Prediction: Graphext and "The Sales Acceleration Formula"María LópezPaul SuddonExploring how Graphext's data-driven approach might be used to identify the characteristics of successful salespeople.
January 4, 2021How We Created a Pandemic-Resistant Team Building Session (Interactive)Laura CastroMotivated by the prospect of getting to know our new colleagues, our design team created a team-building session that negotiated the limitations brought by the pandemic.
December 29, 2020The Evolution of American Protests After the Death of George Floyd: COVID-19, BLM and the ElectionAndy Clarke2020 has been a turbulent year for every country but particularly in the USA. We clustered American protest events between May 24 - Nov 28, 2020 to investigate the relationships between types of protests, their violence and their geography.
December 26, 20203 Mapas de Poder Político en EspañaVictoriano IzquierdoHoy publicamos en El País 3 grafos que representan 3 mapas de cómo están conectados en redes sociales los periodistas políticos, los diputados y las cuentas de Twitter políticas más relevantes en España.
October 27, 2020ODS y Agenda 2030: Desarrollo sostenible en los medios de comunicaciónVictoriano IzquierdoEn este proyecto nos planteamos analizar cuál es el rol que están asumiendo los medios de comunicación en la difusión del desarrollo sostenible y comprender el nivel de sensibilización y concienciación sobre la importancia respecto a la Agenda 2030.
September 13, 2020Zara vs. Gap: An Instagram AnalysisMaximilian ZachowWhat are unexpected insights and surprising patterns of the social media strategies of Inditex’s flagship Zara and Gap? In this article, we analyzed their Instagram campaigns since Feb 2017.
September 8, 2020¿Es la clase obrera española la más xenóbofa de todas las clases sociales? Qué dicen los datos del CISVictoriano IzquierdoLos obreros no cualificados y cualificados tienen un 36% y 16% más de posibilidades de decir que el número de inmigrantes es excesivo, analizamos qué otras variables pueda explicar en por qué tienen esa percepción sobre la población inmigrante en España.
August 7, 2020Cómo el Congreso de los Diputados tuiteó durante el Estado de AlarmaVictoriano IzquierdoPrácticamente todos los diputados del Congreso actual, la XIV legislatura, tienen cuenta en Twitter y gran parte de su trabajo consiste en leer y escribir tweets. Para bien o para mal, los políticos nunca han tenido más poder y facilidad para mandar directamente sus mensajes a los ciudadnos sin el filtro de la prensa. Analizamos las principales narrativas que cada partido movió.
August 5, 2020How the US Congress Tweeted in 2020Dani VegaraWe analyzed almost 200K tweets from members of Congress, comparing across parties and seeing what worked for each one. We found interesting insights by analyzing the way each party worded their opinions.
July 29, 2020Finding Real Estate Opportunities in MadridVictoriano IzquierdoWe analyzed more than 20k advertisements in real estate websites to try to find underpriced houses with Graphext's predictive algorithms. Along the way we looked into the relationships between prices and factors such as education level or location index to try to find insights and patterns in the data.
July 9, 2020The Lipstick Effect: Did the 2008 Financial Crisis Drive an Increase in Positive Airline Reviews?Brais RamosWe analyzed 30K airlines services reviews and saw that there are clear jumps in ratings marked by the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent economic recovery. Could these factors have impacted consumers, or have airlines improved their services?
June 26, 2020Is Mark Cuban a Socialist, a Communist, a Globalist... or Something Else? How Trump Supporters Attack Another BillionaireVictoriano IzquierdoMark Cuban is one of the wealthiest people in America, with an estimated net worth of $4.1 billion. He asked for a tool to work out why his Twitter supporters were calling him a socialist, a communist and a globalist - and to analyze whether their accusations were true!
May 24, 2020Las 2 Españas a Palos de Golf: quiénes y cómo son los que reparten tweets a izquierda y derecha. Victoriano IzquierdoLa semana pasada, millones de personas en España acabaron imaginando en su cabeza algo que realmente nunca pasó: a un señor rico del barrio de Salamanca destrozando mobilario urbano con un palo de golf. Analizamos con datos y Graphext cómo se originó este bulo, y sobre todo quién hay detrás a izquierda y derecha propagando estas nuevas narrativas políticas
May 10, 2020Las cifras de muertos en España por COVID-19 en contexto. Victoriano Izquierdo¿Quiénes son y dónde están los excesos de muertes en España en los últimos años por edad, sexo y Comunidades Autónomas?
May 6, 2020How to Look Good on Video Calls: Analyzing 1K Skype & Zoom rooms.Victoriano IzquierdoHow do you look your best in a video call? Collecting almost 1000 reviews of video call backgrounds, we set out to find patterns in what makes people give off good or bad impressions.
April 16, 2020Clustering countries by Covid-19 Mobility Trends changesVictoriano IzquierdoWe used the Apple Mobility Trends Report to cluster with Graphext countries that are experiencing similar changes in people's walking behaviour.
April 14, 2020How Couples Meet and Stay Together014100Victoriano IzquierdoMaximilian ZachowGrabbing data from a Stanford University study on relationships, we set out to investigate what a 'happy' relationship looks like and how you find one.
April 14, 2020How to Build your Brand Through Social MediaMaximilian ZachowMany companies use Twitter in a traditional way: as promotion, presenting new features. But over 50% of all Tweets have another motivation.
April 14, 2020Benchmarking McDonald's Store PerformanceAlmudena SanzUsing Graphext, we helped McDonald’s to categorize their more than 500 spanish stores based on their typical customer profiles, to later analyze their sales transaction data.
April 13, 2020Healthy Food: A Tweet Content AnalysisMaximilian ZachowIs healthy food only about being vegan and following diets or is the community mentioning more narratives around that topic? We analyze 30k tweets to find out.
April 13, 2020Overcoming Distribution Challenges with Bicycle SharingMaximilian ZachowWith Graphext we analyzed the vehicle distribution data (from Kaggle) of a bike sharing service based in Minnesota to try to understand bike shortage in Madrid
April 13, 2020La imagen que transmite la política española:Maximilian ZachowVictoriano IzquierdoPostureo en traje estrechando manos, Baños de masas y selfies, Memes y de relax en la naturaleza. Analizamos las fotos de los 10 políticos españoles más seguidos en Instagram
April 13, 2020When Dating Apps Met Survey Theory: Sampling, Weighting & RomanceAlex GonzalezA picture of a population is what most surveys hope to achieve. Who doesn't want to know which essential Tinder personality traits help a person to be successful in love? We're taking a look at the fundamentals of survey theory - sampling & weighting - through the lens of a Pew Research survey that examines American attitudes towards relationships and dating apps in 2021.
April 13, 2020The Importance of Blockchain to International DevelopmentAlmudena SanzWe recently worked with the United Nations to understand the importance of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the field of international development.
April 13, 2020Analyzing a Spanish Election Poll with AquienvotoVictoriano IzquierdoOpinion Poll Company Aquienvoto & Graphext teamed up to look behind the curtains of April 28th’s result. Join us as we analyze how people responded to 45 different questions.
April 13, 2020Social Listening Using GraphextAlmudena SanzIn this post we will identify and analyze the topics that interest the community of VCs in the US. To accomplish this we will use Graphext and Contexto.
April 13, 2020Who Will Replace Cristiano Ronaldo in Real Madrid?Asier SarasuaCristina TrabaCan data tell us who can replace Ronaldo in Real Madrid? Are there any similar players to Cristiano according to data? We analyze 18000 players to find out
April 13, 2020The Top Stories in 2020 according to every tweet from 38 UK news publishersAndy ClarkeWe collected every tweet in 2020 from 38 UK news organisations to find out what the media have been reporting on. Then we visualised categories of tweets as trends to see what the British media landscape looked like throughout the year.
April 13, 2020Finding a New Brand Identity with the Graphext Design TeamVictoriano IzquierdoAs a product evolves, the brand around it evolves too. Here we take you through the design process of finding a new logo for our business, following the experiments carried out by the Graphext design team.
April 13, 2020Funnel Analysis and Network Visualisation with INGAlmudena SanzWorking with data from ING, we created a network visualization of how users navigate hundreds of web pages, correlating their navigation patterns with specific user profiles.
April 8, 2020Survey Analysis Using GraphextAlmudena SanzSurveys are an easy way to gather people’s opinion or behaviour, but the challenge has always been once you have all the data, what do you do with it?
April 8, 2020How Spanish Politicians and the Media are Connected Victoriano IzquierdoIn 2017, we analized the Spanish political community and how are they related with the most important media based on how their interactions from their twitter account.
April 8, 2020Campus Madrid CommunityVictoriano IzquierdoDuring 2017 we were monitoring all the conversations on Twitter about and around Campus Madrid. This is the network of 4838 people who participated in the conversation.
April 7, 2020Alexa Amazon ReviewsMaximilian ZachowIf you want to succeed with your product in the market you have to listen to what your customers say. Take a look to this post to see how to achieve this with Graphext.