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Victoriano Izquierdo
Victoriano Izquierdo

Analyzing a Spanish Election Poll with Aquienvoto

Opinion Poll Company Aquienvoto & Graphext teamed up to look behind the curtains of April 28th’s result. Join us as we analyze how people responded to 45 different questions.

A high voter turnout is one of the pillars of well working democracy. However, many countries have been struggling recently to bring their citizens to the ballot boxes at election day. Platforms like Aquienvoto want to simplify one’s identification with a political party by navigating users through exemplary questions that define different political opinions. In the end users receive a result and a recommendation of what party is closest to their opinion. From the 1st to the 29th of April, more than 1.5M people did the survey at Aquienvoto. 540,000 from these people did the anonymous survey and indicated also their voting intention, gender, age and all their opinions to the political questions.

Of course, working together to analyze the survey data collected by Aquienvoto with an Exploration Tool like Graphext would be a very insightful project. To start with we created a completely anonymous and random subset of 30,000 survey respondents. We created that selection out of all respondents that left demographic details as well as their opinions to the 45 questions. In the following we are going to summarize the main insights that you can als find in the original project here.

General Network

Age Distribution

The majority of the people who filled out the survey were born in the 90s and are 20–30 years old. This is important to keep in mind when checking the following results.

Catalonia as a Divisive Region

Extreme Opinions on Legalized Prostitution

0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour

VOX voters come from PP

Mobilized Catalonia

PSOE vs Ciudadanos

0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour

PP vs Ciudadanos

0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour


0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour

Women vs Men

0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour


0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour

The Consensus

0–4: completely against, against, neutral, in favour, completely in favour

If you open the original project here and are wondering how to navigate through it consider the following advices. In the Insights panel you can see the main results of the analysis. You can reproduce every single insight by clicking on the Play-Button on the bottom-left corner of each slide. This will bring you to the point in the Project where the insight was captured and you can verify it and continue your own analysis from there.We also encourage you to explore the data in the Compare panel. There you can quickly find differences between groups of variables or the main clusters. In the Graph you can explore the project using our network visualization and find differences between the main groups of opinions.

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