Docs Pricing

What's new in Graphext?

September 26, 2022

Introducing Graphext Plans

Product Update: Graphext Plans

Graphext Plans

We are happy to present the Graphext Pricing Plans. You can now upgrade your capabilities whenever you need them directly from our site and get started with your projects in a matter of minutes.

September 23, 2022

Datasets and Projects Tabs &

Product Update: Datasets and Projects Tabs & Sorting by Alphabetic Order

Merging the Datasets and Projects Tabs

We've merged the Datasets and Projects tabs, so whenever you upload a DatasetGraphext will automatically create a First Exploration Project where you can scour your data. This means your data lives inside projects, so it will always remain updated with the latest project changes.

Sorting Variables by Alphabetic Order

While Sorting by tfdf, uplift, etc. has always been an option in Graphext, we have now included the option to order categorical and text variables alphabetically. This is particularly useful if you are looking to filter by a specific category, say, the US, within the variable Country.

July 24, 2022

Even Bigger Data & Current Status

Product Update: Even Bigger Data & Current Status

Even Bigger Data

Graphext is now able to handle even more data. We have increased our capacity by a factor of 2.4, with projects created with integrations of with up to 2M rows.

Graphext Enhanced: Current Status

With the addition of status updates and error messages, creating highly personalised projects and interpreting the Recipe has never been easier.

May 17, 2022

Adding, Sorting and Flipping Axes in Plot charts & Debug Blocks

Product Update: Adding, Sorting and Flipping Axes in Plot charts & Debug Blocks

Adding, Sorting and Flipping Axes in Plot charts

There are also new options available in Plot to make exploration infinitely easier. Now you can change your Variables' orientation (vertical or horizontal) and Sort by a third variable to make the visualization more intuitive.

Debug your New Projects with Ease

Keep your progress and applied steps in check at all times with the new access to a Project's BlocksBlocks will help you debug since you will now receive improved feedback on warnings and errors about your project's execution.

May 4, 2022

Overwrite feature

Product Update: Overwrite feature

Overwrite: Update your Projects and Keep Exploring Without Hassle

We've added the option to Overwrite your Projects! Now you won't have to create a new Project outside the one you are working on. Simply go to Wizard, create an updated project, and select overwrite before you execute. You will also find the option to create a Backup copy of the existing project; this feature is great for version control. If you have saved Insights before updating your project, don't worry; we keep them for you!

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