September 10, 2024

Graphext Release Notes 2024-09-10

🛠️ Improvements

  • Row Count for Grouped Data: Calculate the number of rows for each specific group generated by a group by operation. This will help you understand the distribution of data across the different groups in your analysis.
  • Expose Categorical Stats for Table in Plot: The current categorical statistics that are already being calculated (such as Unique Values, Mode, and Median) are now accessible, allowing you to use them directly in tables within your plots for more detailed and structured data visualization.

🔧 Technical Updates

  • Tenure and Churn Step: This step calculates the tenure by using the start and end dates and returns a new column with the tenure. It also adds a boolean column indicating churn (Yes or No) 
  • New "Discretize_on_Percentiles" Step: Introduce the discretize_on_percentiles step to categorize continuous data into discrete bins based on percentiles. This step helps segment the data more evenly and allows for better comparison and analysis.