December 6, 2021

December Update

🎁 New Features

This month we've added search bars in our data tables as well as making it easier to explore Compare Correlations with large datasets. We've also made it easier for you to monitor the progress of your project setup with a new distinction between processing & configuration steps. 

01. Search Bars Across Data Tables

Finding variables in large datasets can be frustrating. We've added a search bar to data tables across Graphext to help you find variables quickly and simply.

Start typing the name of a variable inside the search bar in either Details or the Datasets panel of your team workspace. Graphext will automatically scroll to the location of your variable in the data table.

How can I start using it?

  1. Open up a data table in either Details or the Datasets panel of your team workspace.
  2. Start typing the name of a variable in the search bar.
  3. Click on the variable name from the dropdown list.
  4. Done ... watch as Graphext finds your variable.

02. Dynamic Scrolling in Compare & Correlations

We've changed the way that charts are loaded in Compare & Correlations. To make it easier to work with datasets with lots and lots of variables, we've added dynamic scrolling to these panels.

You probably won't notice much difference here on the face of it but behind the scenes ... this feature means that you can load charts a lot faster even when you are working with surveys that have thousands of questions to compare or correlate.  

How can I start using it?

  1. Open up Compare or Correlations and load up some charts.
  2. Keep scrolling ...
  3. That's it. 

03. Filtering Steps During Project Setup

The steps you see as your project is being created are now separated into processing and configuration steps. We've made this change to make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your project setup.

Processing steps relate to the data science steps involved in transforming your dataset and creating your network. Configuration steps relate to the presentational aspects of your project setup. Start building a project and check the new dropdown menu inside of the project execution sidebar.

How can I start using it?

  1. Start building a project and execute the setup.
  2. Check the project execution sidebar.
  3. Toggle between processing steps and configuration steps using the new dropdown menu.

🐞 Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed a bug making it difficult to filter data using our interactive histograms
  • Fixed a bug preventing a user from editing a manual segmentation with expected behaviour.

📖 Stories worth Sharing

01. How Aquaservice Use Graphext To Improve Their Prediction Models

We spoke to the data science team at Aquaservice about how they used Graphext to build a clustering model to improve the way they forecast consumer demand. Their project grouped delivery routes using over 30 factors to calculate similarity and exposed patterns in the errors made by their prediction models. Read more.

02. Reverse Engineering Infamous Marketing Strategies from Innocent Drinks

Why are the social media strategies of Innocent Drinks considered as the gold standard for marketing teams the world over? We collected every tweet (10,521) posted by the communication department to deconstruct Innocent's content, style, reach and engagement with a simple topic analysis. Read more.