June 15, 2021

Correlations Special Release

🎁 Correlations

Our new Correlations panel lets you study the relationships between variables. Find it inside of any new Graphext project you create and start discovering the associations in your data.

What is Correlation?

Correlation is a statistical concept referring to the relationship between two variables. We can use correlation to understand whether observing a change in variable A will also mean observing a change in variable B.

Positive correlations refer to a relationship between two variables in which both variables move in the same directionNegative correlations refer to a relationship between two variables in which an increase in one variable is associated with a decrease in the other. 

“Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there.”

Randall Munroe

The Correlations Panel

Inside your project's Correlations panel you'll find a series of charts as you would inside the Compare panel. Choose a variable to study using the search bar and Graphext will generate charts showing the correlation between this variable and other variables in your data. 

Use correlation charts to understand how the values of one variable are associated with the values of another. You can export charts from the Correlations panel or save them as insights

Reading Correlation Charts

Charts in your Correlations panel reveal the number of data points where values from two variables meet. Your y-axis represents values from the variable in your search bar and the x-axis represents values from the correlated variable - labelled in the top right of each card. 

The blue circles in your correlation charts represent the number of data points at each value intersectionBigger and brighter circles represent a higher number of data points at an intersection whereas lower and duller circles represent fewer data points at an intersection. 

A strong positive correlation would be signified by a trend of big & bright circles moving diagonally upwards from left to right 📈 

A strong negative correlation would be signified by a trend of big & bright circles moving diagonally upwards from right to left 📉 

The Docs

Correlation is a powerful tool but its key concepts aren't always self-explanatory. Here are a couple of articles to help you use and understand Correlations.

How To | Correlations

Start here. This article walks you around the new Correlations panel - pointing out the different features and showing you how to use them.

Technical Docs | Understanding Correlation

Read about the concepts key to understanding correlation. In this article, we explain how correlation works, the different types of correlation alongside pointing out the common pitfalls associated with misinterpreting correlation. 

How can I start using it?

  • Build a Graphext project.
  • Once your project is ready, navigate to the Correlations panel.
  • Chose a variable using the search bar.
  • Study the charts to inspect the correlation between this variable and other variables in your data.
  • Change the collection of variable charts presented using the dropdown menu at the top left of your Correlations panel.