August 13, 2021

August Update

🎁 New Features

You can refresh and recreate Graphext projects created with data from Google Sheets or database integrations. On top of this, it's now simple to change the color of values from anywhere in your projects and you can switch color palettes inside of your project settings!

01. Refresh Data Integrations & Recreate Projects

We've added the ability to refresh and recreate projects built with integrated datasets from Google Sheets, SQL databases and more remotely hosted sources

Find a project you've created with integrated data and choose to Refresh and Recreate the project. Graphext will then retrieve a new - up to date - dataset from your source and automatically create a new project using the data. 

How can I start using it?

  • Make sure you've created a project using data that you've integrated with Graphext from Google Sheets or a remotely hosted database.
  • Find the project inside your Graphext workspace and click the 3 dots on the project card.
  • Choose 'Refresh and Recreate' from the menu list. 
  • Graphext will recreate your project using up to date data from your integrated source.
  • Graphext will store a new dataset in your Datasets panel containing up to date data from your integrated source.

02. Changing Colors Across Graphext: Trends & Compare

Your Compare and Trends charts now support the full spectrum of variable colors. Not only this, but you can change the color of any categorical value across the interface.

Recently, we extended the number of automatically generated variable colors but - up until now - these weren't available in Compare or Trends charts. Now, you can see the full range of colors across all interface panels as well as changing these colors directly in either Compare or Trends charts.

How can I start using it?

  • Inside a project, open up Compare and add values into your charts.
  • Click on a color dot associated with a value from the top of your panel.
  • Choose a new color using the color picker and click OK.

03. Switching Color Palette

You can now switch the color palettes used to represent data in your projects. Color is crucial to grouping and spotting connections between data. Head over to the Appearance tab inside your project settings to change color palettes.

Choose Horus for the standard Graphext color palette. Choose Osiris for a more vivid color palette. We'll be adding more color palettes to this list very soon!

How can I start using it?

  • Navigate to the Appearance tab inside your project settings.
  • Select a color palette from the dropdown list.
  • Click Save.
  • That's it. Check out the new colors representing data in your project. 

04. Expand Charts in Compare and Correlations

You can now expand charts in Compare & Correlations. Because expanded charts are BIGGER, they let you inspect more values at the same time. 

To expand Compare or Correlations charts, click on the 3 dots from the top right of your chart card and choose Expand chart. Insights that you save from expanded charts will also be bigger and contain more values than standard-sized charts.

How can I start using it?

  • Inside a project, generate charts in either Compare or Correlations.
  • Click on the 3 dots inside a chart card.
  • Choose Expand chart from the menu list.
  • Check out your chart in all of its glory!

🐞 Bug Fixes & Improvements

🍏 Core Improvement 

We've improved the way that data is presented inside Trends charts. You can now represent values in time-series charts using a Cumulative Sum - which works like a running totalChoosing Cumulative Sum - instead of a count or an average - means that the y-axis in your Trends charts can now represent the total sum of data as it grows over time. 

  • Added the ability for users to set up more than one SQL integration.
  • Fixed an issue with Amazon S3 Data Integrations.
  • Fixed a bug in the Text - Keywords analysis type.
  • Fixed a bug with the Social Media - Analyze Author Bios analysis type.
  • Fixed an issue with dataset names containing a long sequence of characters.

📖 Stories worth Sharing

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A Guide to Clustering Supermarket Transactions

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