
What's new in Graphext?

October 15, 2022

Product Update: Public IPs for Integrations & New Hall Layout

Public IPs for Integrations

Graphext now provides you with an IP to access your database; simply authorize them ( and and access your databases securely and privately!

New Hall Layout

We have improved usability, with the new display of our Teams Bar and Integrations Bar, that make your exploration effortless.

October 5, 2022

Product Update: SSO, Correlation Scores & Dataset Download

Single Sign On for Enterprise Accounts

Now Enterprise Accounts will be able to improve the efficiency and security of employees' access. Remove access to our services directly from your internal server; no more need to create new accounts.

Downloading the Original Dataset

Downloading your original dataset is now possible in all your projects! Simply select More Options - Download and never lose your original datasets again!

Fixes and Improvements

  • Node’s Neighbors Selection

Exploration will be easier whenever you want to explore the neighbour Nodes of your selection in Graph. We will keep all neighbor nodes visible regardless of your selection of a main initial node.

  • Improvements in Correlations Scores

In the Correlations Section, we have enhanced our model to showcase interrelationships with fewer signals required. This refinement translates into Score improvements, giving more value to Correlations.

September 30, 2022

Product Update: Overwrite by default

Overwrite: Fluid Project Iteration

Overwrite will now be the default option when you update a Project. If you want to save it separately, use the drop-down button and select Execute as New. This shift focuses on iterating over a project without adding to the clutter.

September 26, 2022

Product Update: Graphext Plans

Graphext Plans

We are happy to present the Graphext Pricing Plans. You can now upgrade your capabilities whenever you need them directly from our site and get started with your projects in a matter of minutes.

September 23, 2022

Product Update: Datasets and Projects Tabs & Sorting by Alphabetic Order

Merging the Datasets and Projects Tabs

We've merged the Datasets and Projects tabs, so whenever you upload a DatasetGraphext will automatically create a First Exploration Project where you can scour your data. This means your data lives inside projects, so it will always remain updated with the latest project changes.

Sorting Variables by Alphabetic Order

While Sorting by tfdf, uplift, etc. has always been an option in Graphext, we have now included the option to order categorical and text variables alphabetically. This is particularly useful if you are looking to filter by a specific category, say, the US, within the variable Country.

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